Exotic fruits like blueberry, strawberry are extremely expensive, not to mention seasonal. So for those who were thinking of venturing into healthier ice-creams, juices and beverages, the costs just made this product exorbitantly expensive. So you often had to settle for other options. But with consumers looking for healthier options and cleaner labels, the day is not far away when consumers will opt for a fully natural fruit solution.
But how can one manage fresh fruits/pulp without the cost of cold storage and the cost of refrigerated transportation? On the other hand, if one were to use dry powders, the drying process alters the flavour when compared to the fresh fruit and fruit pulps
To help you address both these challenges, you can leverage microdried fruit powder. Microdried powders use a proprietary drying process called ReV technology.
Radiant Energy Vacuum Dehydration (REV™) is a rapid, low-temperature drying method that maintains the product's colour, flavour, and nutrients during the drying process. This patented vacuum-microwave technology enables uniform drying with flexible moisture content unattainable with Freeze Drying or Air Drying.
Lower cost-in-use
More than 10 times as concentrated as the pulp, compared to existing natural fruit solutions. So one will need to use roughly at 0.1% dosage compared to a pulp depending on the application. Moreover, it can be stored at ambient temperature saving on the need for refrigerated transportation and storage. The precious cold storage can be freed to store other critical ingredients like milk, and finished products. -
Safer Microbe Levels - Longer Shelf life
The process incorporates a kill step where one gently heats each piece to significantly reduce microbe levels which makes them ideal for multiple food applications and allows us to deliver Ready Eat dried fruits and vegetables. Moreover this process ensures that the micro-dried product has up to 2 years shelf life in its original packaging. -
Clean Label, Single Ingredient
100% fruit and vegetable ingredients. No added sugar, colour or preservatives. It complies with the needs for FTNF (from the named fruit/vegetable). No Maltodextrin. -
Patented, Proprietary Technology
Low impact vacuum radiant energy is used to help preserve the natural vitamins and minerals of the fruit and vegetables while protecting the colour and integrity of each piece. -
Right-Sized for Every Application
Coarse or fine grind powders, granules and fragments, whole pieces, slices and wedges. -
Durable Piece Integrity
Great piece integrity and strong cell structure to withstand production without creating excess dust, and to minimize product loss in blending, mixing, and processing. The ability to dice products into fragments offers enhanced individual piece identity as well. -
Better Yield, Better Value
Our fruit and vegetable ingredients offer more pieces per pound than other alternatives, and they are shelf-stable for two years when properly stored, without the use of additives and preservatives. -
Customised ingredients
Customised ingredients can be customized by select characteristics including: - water activity and moisture content ranges from 4% to 15%
- crunchy or chewy textures for whole pieces and fragment
- sizes of fine to coarse grind powders, fragments, slices, wedges, halves, florets, cubes, and whole pieces